Designing Learner Dashboards
The UK Jisc are really good at producing on line reports of workshops and meetings (something which I am not!). This is one of ... -
Open Education
According to OER Commonsā¦ āThe worldwide OER movement is rooted in the human right to access high-quality education. The Open Education Movement is not ... -
Educate to Create
This year, Bulgaria holds the presidency of the European Union, I was invited to Sofia to be a panel speaker at one of the associated ... -
Trust and Recommender Systems
One of my favourite social network applications (if it can be called that) is Paper.li. Paper.li is not really a social network but an aggregater,Ā ... -
Highlights from the Pontydysgu Studio - Learning lessons from key projects
In my previous post I wrote down some memories of the so-called Pontydysgu Studio in Bremen, now that that 'studio' has been closed and the ... -
Bye bye "Pontydysgu Studio" - good luck Pontydysgu Ltd & Pontydysgu SL!
Pontydysgu headquarters in Pontypridd, Wales and 'Pontydysgu Studio' as its filial in Bremen - that is how we have experienced it quite a long time. ... -
"Mein Koffer in Berlin" - Part Three: The highlight - the Paganini-Marathon & Extras
With my two previous posts I have been writing a series of blog entriesĀ on my recent visit to Berlin - the 'second home town' ... -
Peer production and open peer review
I get a lot of notifications about various journal publications. Most are not particularly interesting and in reality, are what might be called academic spam. ... -
"Mein Koffer in Berlin" - Part Two: Refreshing memories and catching up with friends of ...
In my previous post I started a series of blog entries focusing on my recent visit to Berlin and on the chances to refresh my ... -
"Mein Koffer in Berlin" - Part One: Refreshing memories of 1990s and walking around
"Ich habe noch einen Koffer in Berlin" (I still have a piece of luggage in Berlin) - this is the way that old Berliners express ...