AI Pioneers: Teachers and Trainers working with Technology to Transform Education and Training
This morning Graham Attwell, Angela Karadog and Dirk Stieglitz made a presentation on AI and Education at the International Conference on New Technologies and Education organised by Basque University. The ... -
#SMILED21 Call for Tweeters
**UPDATE! Deadline extended to 3rd June** Fifteen minutes, fifteen Tweets. Pontydysgu are hosting a Twitter Conference - Social Media and Information Literacy in Education - on Thursday 17th June 2021 ... -
News from 1994
This is from a Tweet. In 1994 Stephen Heppell wrote in something called SCET" "Teachers are fundamental to this. They are professionals of considerable calibre. They are skilled at observing ... -
A focus on both discrete skills and broader human skills
There is an interesting article by Allison Dulin Salisbury in the Forbes magazine this morning. The article says that the Covid 19 pandemic is speeding the digital transformation of business, ... -
Stray thoughts on teaching and learning in the COVID 19 lockdowns
I must be one of the few ed tech bloggers who has not published anything on the move to online during the COVID 19 lockdowns. Not that I haven't thought ... -
Ed-tech for good?
The Open Universiteit and the Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) at Leiden-Delft-Erasmus are publishing a new video series. "The digital revolution is having a significant impact on the way ... -
Student Experience Roadmap - what it means for teacher development
Earlier this week the UK JiscĀ launched theĀ Jisc NUS roadmap (pdf) designed to support students, course representatives, and union and guild representatives to work with their institution on improving student ... -
Technology and pedagogic models for training teachers in developing countries
My new year intentions to post more regularly here got disrupted quickly by a bad cold and a week of travel. But I'm back in the saddle. There are two ... -
Why we need technology for training teachers
I have been doing some research on the training of teachers, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. The figures make sober reading. A report 'Digital Learning: Reforming Teacher Education to Promote Access, ... -
Issues and challenges in the use of ICT for education
For a tender I wrote earlier thiss summer I was asked to comment on a series of challenges and issues related to the use of ICT in education. I think ...