Unconferencing at AMEE
I am way behind writing things up at the moment - too much going on. Anyway two weeks ago I was with the Learning Layers team at the Association for ... -
Workplace Learning Analytics workshop
It is not easy developing a community around Workplace Learning Analytics but there are some signs of emerging interest. On 23 September 2016, in Leeds, there is an open workshop ... -
Jobs of the Future
There is a lot of speculation at the moment as to the jobs of the future. On the one hand, it is said that we are educating young people for ... -
The woes of Brexit
I have greatly enjoyed reading Pekka Kamareinen's series of posts on this website on the history of VETNET - the Vocational Education and Training network allied to the European educational ... -
Apprenticeship in Spain
I am very happy to announce that Pontydysgu has been awarded a small grant by the International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP) to look at apprenticeship provision in Valencia in ... -
Discourses of Love and Labour
Like very much this announcement in the Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) list server: Dr Ergin Bulut is an assistant professor at Koc University in Turkey. He will ... -
Barcamp at Association of Medical Education in Europe conference
At the end of August I am going to the Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) conference in Barcelona. Although I work more in the construction sector, the Learning ... -
Learning Analytics for Vocational Education and Training
I have just spent an hour or so on a periodic search for research and development about Workplace Learning Analytics and the use of Learning Analytics in the public sector. ... -
The return of printed books
The various reports (see for example this article in BoingBoing) detailing the upturn in the sale of printed books in the UK, and a corresponding downturn in the sales of ... -
Brexit, universities and research
Much of the concern expressed by UK universities regarding Brexit is linked to free movement of researchers and to the loss of income from European funded research. these are important ...