Are we lost in online space?
Last November I was invited to give a presentation at a conference "Are we lost in online space?" organised by in Belgrade. As the report on the conference web ... -
The problems of assessing competence
It was interesting to read Simon Reddy’s article in FE News, The Problem with Further Education and Apprenticeship Qualifications, lamenting the low standard of training in plumbing the UK and ... -
Public policy is key to the digital economy
Interesting research from Harvard Business Review who have introduced the Digital Evolution Index to trace the emergence of a “digital planet,” how physical interactions — in communications, social and political exchange, ... -
Communities of Practice and the world of Academia
I have worked in and out of academia over the last thirty years including five years working for what used to be called Gwent Tertiary College, a large vocational education ... -
Skills on their own are not enough
I have been involved in research in Vocational Education and Training for a long time. Vocational Education and Training is a strange thing. Although always popular in the German speaking ... -
Places and Spaces – facilitating professional learning and identity transformation in European Public Employment Services
I have just submitted an abstract to the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). This years conference is at the Free University Bolzano in Italy in September. The proposed paper ... -
What happens when the optic fibre cable breaks?
Two weeks ago, I bought a new television. The old one had served well for 15 years but pre-dated the internet integration that we all take for granted these days. ... -
Contradictions for developing apprenticeship in south Europe
A recent report from the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Let’s Transform Work! by Kerstin Jürgens, Reiner Hoffmann and Christina Schildmann, says that in 2016, in Germany, "for the first time, there were more ... -
New year's resolutions
New year, new year’s resolutions (OK a bit belated, but I am just getting going). I have three targets for this year and over the year I will report on ... -
Industry 4.0 and identity transformation
I gave this presentation last week at a panel discussion on Industry 4.0 at the Bundeswehr AusBildungs Kongress in Hamburg. Firstly - for those of you who do not ...