Coding for the young (and not so young)
It is encouraging to see more courses being developed for young people to learn to code. The latest comes from the Technical University of Graz who are s starting a ... -
Coming soon - Pontydysgu.eu
We are well under way redesigning the Pontydysgu website. It is not so easy. According to the archive the present site was launched in September, 2006. The WordPress site superseded ... -
Proxies, learning, deschooling society and annotation
Sipping a glass of wine on the terrace last night, I thought about writing an article about proxies. I've become a bit obsessed about proxies, ever since looking at the ... -
Living in an Algorithmic World
This video is from Danah Boyd’s opening keynote for the re:publica 18 conference. Although it is an hour long it is well worth watching. Danah says "Algorithmic technologies that rely ... -
Managing meetings
There’s been a bit of a debate in social media on how to run successful meetings. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon seems to have kicked it off. According to ... -
Peer Production
I don't normally publish new journal releases - there are simply to many. But I very much like the approach of the special issue of the Journal of Peer Production ... -
Demonstrating the Value of Community Development Approaches
This is a video of a conference I spoke at in Dublin in April organised by the Clondalkin Community Alcohol and Drugs Task Force. The conference followed the publication of ... -
Trust and Recommender Systems
One of my favourite social network applications (if it can be called that) is Paper.li. Paper.li is not really a social network but an aggregater, running across your twitter contacts ... -
Peer production and open peer review
I get a lot of notifications about various journal publications. Most are not particularly interesting and in reality, are what might be called academic spam. But I was interested recently ... -
Crossing Boundaries
I think I have written several times before about the problems with conferences. Too many boring sessions with short presentations featuring long lists of bullet points in PowerPoint. At best ...