Getting back to the blog - what has kept me quiet

Suddenly I found no time to write blog posts. Everyday life issues and major societal concerns took my attention. Now, after several months I have the feeling that I need to write some lines on my blog. Firstly I need to make some notes on the issues with which my mind has been occupied. Here a short list:

  • Moving from Jyväskylä (Central Finland) to Helsinki (Capital of Finland),
  • Struggling with Covid-19 infections in the family circle,
  • Observing the war the Russian Federation started with its attack to Ukraine,
  • Observing the debate in Finland that led to the decision to apply the membership of the NATO.

All these issues have kept my mind away from themes that I have discussed under the heading "Working & Learning". Now I will try to work my way through these issues to topics that I still want to discuss in my field of expertise. So, it is time to get back to blogging.

More blogs to come ...

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