One question which has frequently come up in recent workshops and presentations I have been involved in about AI and education is how are learners using AI, in particular students? Its a tricky one: it is one thing how AI is being used in the classroom but a different thing about how students might be using AI outside the institution. Its been long enough now since the launch of ChatGPT that a series of studies and reports are emerging on this topic. I'm going to be commenting and referencing some of these studies this week.

One question which has frequently come up in recent workshops and presentations I have been involved in about AI and education is how are learners using AI, in particular students? Its a tricky one: it is one thing how AI is being used in the classroom but a different thing about how students might be using AI outside the institution. Its been long enough now since the launch of ChatGPT that a series of studies and reports are emerging on this topic. I'm going to be commenting and referencing some of these studies this week.

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