There is growing interest in the use of ePortfolios as an alternative to the use of exams for assessment. ePortfolios Are not exactly new. I can remember speaking at conferences and taking part in projects (see More Esteem with with my ePortfolio which developed an online course and guidance material for teachers and trainers in the use of e-portfolios) about this in the early years of the 21st century. Yet as technologies advance, and perhaps more importantly growing reflections and research on the pedagogy of assessment, ePortfolios are returning to the fore.
The The Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning has recent published a special edition on ePortfolios (open access).
In the editorial they say:
The aim of this special issue of the Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning is to explore eportfolio in Ireland and further afield. An eportfolio can be a tool or technology, a practice, a pedagogical model, an assessment method and a framework for learning (Chen & Black, 2010). There is growing interest in Ireland in the affordances of eportfolio and their potential to positively impact student learning and achievement. However, there was a dearth of empirical research on eportfolio practice in the context of the Irish educational system. This special issue on eportfolio aims to fill this gap in the literature, and enable us to better appreciate eportfolio practice and ground this in research.
There was a presentation about this at the OER22 conference. You can see the slides here.