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Celebrating Sabine Manning and the L&W Newsletter

About one month ago our friend Sabine Manning published the latest edition of the Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W]. As we know, she has been editing the newsletter during many years. And, as we have seen it, the L&W Newsletter has become a major medium for several  communities and networks in research on vocational educational research (shortly VET research). However, now in the introductory statement we read the following message:

"This is our FINAL edition of the L&W Newsletter. It has been a great pleasure for us to share news and views about Learning & Work for so many years. Many thanks to all who contributed information for this Newsletter, and also to our partners CR&DALL,CVER, Education & Employers Research, ILO Employment Policy Department, PASCAL International Observatory, UFHRD,UNEVOC, VET&Culture and VETNET for providing input passing on the news via their mailing lists and web portals. And special thanks to John Manning, who has checked every edition of the Newsletter for correct language and readability."

With this message Sabine has brought to an end her remarkable service for research communities, networks and conferences in the field of vocational education and training (VET). Sabine started with her newsletter initiatives when she was an active researcher in European projects as a representative of the Berlin-based WiFO Research Forum. From that time on she worked many years as an active board member of the European VETNET network. With the support of Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) she sought to develop a web service called European Research Overview (ERO). In collaboration with different networks she developed specific newsletter and proceedings formats for the respective partners via WIFO Gateway. Later on, when Sabine started to retreat from active project work, she launched the L&W Newsletter, which became a success story and a vital medium for promoting networking the networks across neighbouring research communities, networks, conferences and journal.

As an expression of respect and gratitude the VETNET network nominated Sabine as an honorary network member ten years ago at the ECER conference in Berlin 2011. Now, ten years after we are thankful that Sabine has continued this service all these years. We wish Sabine all the best and many happy years after a well deserved retirement.

More blogs to come (but on different topics) ...

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