Tag: Knowledge development
At this time of the year our research institute - Institut Technik & Bildung (ITB) - is busy preparing a report for the regular meeting of our advisory board (Beirat). At he same time I am having final run to complete my contributions to the ongoing TACCLE4 CPD project. Concerning ...
During the whole October and the beginning of November I have been hearing German broadcasts and watching German TV documents that revisit the historical events thirty years ago. Altogether these revisit the turning points - die Wende - in the history of the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik - ...
Yesterday I got the message from my Dutch blogger-colleague Wilfred Rubens that he has a special working anniversary: He wrote his first blog exactly sixteen years ago (here the link to Wilfred's blog post announcing the anniversary). I immediately congratulated him on his Facebook account, where he had shared his ...
In my previous post I reported on my participation as a guest in the project meeting of the TACCLE VET project. As I mentioned, this project focuses on promoting digital competences in the field of vocational education and training (VET). The parallel project TACCLE 4 CPD (in which I am ...
With this blog post I conclude a series of posts on the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2019) that took place earlier last week in Hamburg, Germany. The first post focused on the Opening session of the VETNET network (including background information on VETNET and other networks). The second ...
With my recent blogs I have been wrapping up my experiences on the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2019) that took place earlier this week in Hamburg, Germany. The first post focused on the Opening session of the VETNET network (including background information on VETNET and other networks). The ...
This blog post is the third one of a series with which I wrap up my experiences at the ECER 2019 conference that took place earlier this week in Hamburg, Germany. In the first post I focused on the Opening session of the VETNET network that is the European umbrella ...
With my previous blog I started a series of blog posts with which I try to wrap up my experiences with the ECER 2019 conference that took place earlier this week in Hamburg, Germany. In my first post I focused on the Opening session of the VETNET program at the ...
Once again, the annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) - organised by the European Educational Research Association (EERA) - has taken place. This time the venue was the University of Hamburg. The advantage for us working at the University of Bremen was that we didn't have to travel far ...
In my previous post I wrote about preparing for the forthcoming ECER 2019 (beginning of September in Hamburg). For a conference of educational researchers one needs to work with research papers and related presentations - that is obvious. However, later in the Autumn I will have two TACCLE project meetings ...