New regular column
I am delighted to say that Jose Luis Garcia Molina has agreed to write a new regular column for Wales Wide Web. His first contribution ... -
Inequality growing in access to UK universities
According to Times Higher Education: "The gap between university entry rates for the most advantaged and disadvantaged students is wider than previously thought, and progress ... -
It seems ever more evident that education cannot be viewed in separation from the labour market and the economy. As inequality in economies grows ever ... -
A blog is just a blog
2016 and it is time to return to the blog after a crazy December of meetings, conferences, travel and exhaustion. First a quick catch up ... -
Wales National Digital Learning Event 2015
Jen and I went along to the National Digital Learning Event and Awards in Cardiff earlier in June. We handed out Taccle books and went ... -
London Tech Week 2015
I had a pretty exciting and busy couple of days in London during their annual technology week. Straight off the train I met Vini from ... -
Fundraising Guide
The RadioActive project has produced a Funding Guide with lots of great ideas to raise money to get your internet radio show up and running. ... -
Internet Radio as an educational intervention
The EU funded RadioActive project is in its final days but that doesn't mean we are suffering from RadioActive decay! Shows are set to continue ...