Privacy online: a toolkit for childre
The London School of Economics has published an online toolkit to promote children’s understanding of the digital environment and support them to make good decisions ... -
Travel to university time a factor in student performance
My summer morning's work is settling into a routine. First I spend about half an hour learning Spanish on DuoLingo. Then I read the morning ... -
Learning Analytics and AI for Future-Focused Learning
I’ve tended to be skeptical about Learning Analytics, seeing it of limited relevance to pedagogy and more concerned with managing learners (reducing dropouts) than having ... -
Takaisin sorvin ääreen - Zurück zu' Drehbank
Jäädessäni lomalle kesäkuussa toivotin kaikille lukijoilleni hyvää juhannusta ja hyvää kesää - suomeksi. Olinhan lähdössä Suomeen viettämään kesälomaa kotimaassani. Tulipa mieleen ajatus kirjoittaa kesätervehdys omalla ... -
Circular Economy and Lifelong Learning: Scenarios - Methodologies - In action
The momentum for the circular economy has never been stronger. Global issues, such as climate change and natural resource consumption levels, urgently require a change ... -
Yo quiero estudiar espanol
Last year my new year resolution was to learn Spanish. It didn’t work out. I signed up for 10 private lessons in a local language ... -
Our Town in Xylagani
The OurTown project team met recently in Xylagani Primary school to discuss the next stages of the project. We now have a process by which ... -
Ponty gets Cycle-ing
It's not unusual to find the Pontydysgu staff in a bar on a Saturday but I was there before the staff this weekend. Pontypridd's Clwb ... -
Learning Analytics Cymru
Jisc report that "Learning Analytics Cymru is generating interest across the world." The service, which has every higher education institution in Wales signed up and ... -
Hyvää juhannusta ja hyvää kesää!
Tulipa mieleen kerrankin kirjoittaa blogiini suomeksi - äidinkielelläni. Tällä viestillä haluan toivottaa kaikille juhannusta viettäville hyvää juhannusta - ja kaikille lukijoilleni hyvää kesää! Terveiset Suomen ...