What policies are needed to respond to the recession?
I attended an excellent webinar on Thursday from the UK Centre for Cities. The webinar, presented by Elena Begini and entitled ‘How will the recession ... -
A focus on both discrete skills and broader human skills
There is an interesting article by Allison Dulin Salisbury in the Forbes magazine this morning. The article says that the Covid 19 pandemic is speeding ... -
How are HR professionals coping?
As I expected there the flurry of reports on technology and learning in the lockdown is beginning to appear. Fosway is a company operating in ... -
Vocational courses not advanced enough
The Centre for London, a 'think tank' for the English capital, has released an interesting new report on further education in London. The report finds ... -
Remembering Kerstin Engraf
Earlier this week we received the sad news that Kerstin Engraf, our friend and colleague from the Learning Layers project, had passed away. This was ... -
Stray thoughts on teaching and learning in the COVID 19 lockdowns
I must be one of the few ed tech bloggers who has not published anything on the move to online during the COVID 19 lockdowns. ... -
Ethics in AI and Education
The news that IBM is pulling out of the facial recognition market and is calling for “a national dialogue” on the technology’s use in law ... -
New videos on innovative use of Learning Toolbox in vocational learning
In my latest post on this blog I reported on the new Support pages for users of Learning Toolbox (LTB) and Demonstration page with brief ... -
Will we miss academic conferences?
I liked Jess Cartner Morley's article 'The fashion show is over: what I have learned from twenty years of catwalks' in the UK Guardian newspaper ... -
New instructions for (new) users of Learning Toolbox
My recent posts on this blog have focused on the digital toolset Learning Toolbox (LTB) that was developed in the EU-funded Learning Layers (LL) project ...