DJ showdown: older DJs and today’s crop of Turntablists trade blows
All too often projects fail to prove sustainable. Quite simply without external funding the products and practices developed do not survive. But sometimes they take off and resonate in new ... -
Children in UK spend more time on the internet that in front of TV
The Guardian newspaper reported yesterday on a survey finding that for the first time children in the UK are spending more time on the internet than in front of the ... -
What is the political and social habit(u)s of present day universities?
I like Cristina Costa's blog, "Is technology changing learning habit(u)s?" (and not only because she cited me). Cristina says how her study on students’ digital practices shows how students’ learning ... -
Yishay Mor talks about Design Patterns
At Online Educa Berlin 2015, I had the opportunity to interview Yishay Mor (see podcast below). I was keen to talk to him as he has been one of the ... -
PLE Special Edition
OK - the ed-tech world moves on to its latest craze. But Personal Learning Environments have not gone away as the new call for papers for the PLE Conference 2015 ... -
Thinking about Practice and Design
Sometimes writing reports for European projects can be a chore. Long, boring and nobody reads them. At the moment I am writing sections for the EmployID project second annual report. ... -
Stagnation or innovation in Technology Enhanced Learning?
Just a quick note following up on my blog of yesterday noting the lack of new ideas in the exhibition at Online Educa Berlin. Today I read an interesting article ... -
New regular column
I am delighted to say that Jose Luis Garcia Molina has agreed to write a new regular column for Wales Wide Web. His first contribution -Al paso del tiempo - ... -
A blog is just a blog
2016 and it is time to return to the blog after a crazy December of meetings, conferences, travel and exhaustion. First a quick catch up from Online Educa Berlin. Online ...