AI and Algorithms: the UK examination debacle
This article was originally published on the Taccle AI web site. There’s a lot to think about in the ongoing debacle over exam results in the UK. A quick update ... -
Evolving Education and Careers: Share, Learn and Transform
The job markets were already looking problematic at the start of the year. Researchers and policy makers alike were warning that automation and Artificial Intelligence were leading to changes in ... -
What is Artificial Intelligence
What is artificial intelligence? from Nesta UK on Vimeo. This video is from Nesta in the UK. Nesta say: " The choices we make now about how AI is steered ... -
Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Occupations and Skills
The Taccle AI project on Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Education and Training, has published a preprint version of a paper which has been submitted of publication to the VET network ... -
Taccle AI project - Interviews
As part of the Taccle AI project, around the impact of AI on vocational education and training in Europe, we have undertaken interviews with managers, teachers, trainers and developers in ... -
AI and Young People
Last December, the Youth Department of the Council of Europe organised a seminar on Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Young People. The aim of the seminar was to explore ... -
European Union, AI and data strategy
Miapetra Kumpula-Natri is the rapporteur for the industry committe for European Parliament’s own-initiative on data strategy and a standing rapporteur on the World Trade Organization e-commerce negotiations in the European ... -
Is graduate pay a true measure of the quality and relevance of courses?
That education policy in the UK is confused is nothing new, neither given the rapid turnover in education ministers is it surprising. But the latest turn, although rhetorical at the ... -
Learning about surveillance
I found this on the Social Media Collective website. The Social Media Collective is a network of social science and humanistic researchers, part of the Microsoft Research labs in New ... -
Covid 19 and the recession
I've written a lot of articles over the last year about labour market information and what it means both for careers guidance and support and for vocational education and training. ...