Racial bias in algorithms
From the UK Open Data Institute's Week in Data newsletter This week, Twitter apologised for racial bias within its image-cropping algorithm. The feature is designed to automatically crop images to ... -
Economic catastrophe?
COVID-19 is turning from a health crisis into an economic catastrophe, says the UK based Nesta. With the Governmentās Coronavirus Job Retention scheme closing at the end of October, the ... -
Language courses and science, technology, engineering and maths subjects cut
Over the past few years there has been great emphasis placed in the UK on the importance of science, engineering, technology and maths (STEM) for the future development of the ... -
More ways of understanding the Labour Market
In most countries we have traditionally relied on official labour market agencies for data for understanding the labour market. From an education and training standpoint, that data has not always ... -
What's happening to the labour market?
Its pretty hard guessing the future of the labour market at the moment. How bad is the downturn from the Convid 19 pandemic goingĀ to be. Will there be U ... -
Accountability and algorithmic systems
There seems to be a growing awareness of the use and problems with algorithms - at least in the UK with what Boris Johnson called "a rogue algorithm" caused chaos ... -
Algorithmic bias explained
Yesterday, UK Prime Minister blamed last weeks fiasco with public examinations on a "mutant algorithm". This video by theĀ Institute for Public Policy Research provides a more rational view on ... -
Understanding the changing Covid-19 labour market
Yesterday I attended a webinar organized by the UK Association of Colleges in their Labour Market Observatory Series. The subject of the webinar was Using Job Posting Analytics to understand ... -
Marginal voices and non-dominant epistemic stances in open education
One way or another I have been involved in the open education debate for many years. Pontydysgu were a partner in the first projects sponsored by the European Commission to ... -
Open Covid Pledge for Research in Education
Pontydysgu are happy to have signed the Open Covid Pledge for Research in Education. Th pledge says" We pledge to make our intellectual property openly and freely available to the ...