Time employers start providing the things that education needs
I'm not sure what to make of this. From the BBC: Young people starting work at John Lewis stores lack basic literacy and numeracy skills, the boss of the department ... -
My Magnolia Tree
Its a poetry summer here on Pontydysgu's web site. Future Gen Cymru tweets "Stop what you're doing and watch @TaylorEdmonds our Poet in Residence make an urgent plea for ... -
What do people think about Artificial Intelligence?
Pew surveys have released a new study on public attitudes about science-related issues. One of teh issues they examined were public attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence. They report: "Public sentiment ... -
Blooms Day
Rime to bring a little culture to the Wales Wide Web. Excellent post on twitter from the Irish Foreign Office. Every year on 16 June we celebrate James Joyce's epic ... -
Introducing Steve Wheeler: the poet
I guess many readers will know Steve Wheeler. Formerly a teacher and researcher at Plymouth University and more recently a consultant dealing with all things about technology learning and teaching, ... -
The ideals and ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Along with Tim Berners Lee, Nigel Shadbolt is the founder of the UK Open Data Institute. In this podcast he talks about the ethics of AI. Mr Shadbolt says there ... -
SMART Toolkit
In this short video Prof. Julian McDougall discusses fake news and media studies and how important media literacy is to prepare citizens to deal with disinformation. The video has ... -
Greening our Learning
As part of the latest Erasmus+ programme, the EU has placed a priority on the new Green economy. The problem is that although it is a priority, it is a ... -
An ethical framework for Learning Technology
The Association for Learning Technologies in the UK (ALT) has the strategic aim of strengthening recognition and representation for Learning Technology professionals from all sectors. one of the priorities Members ...