Artificial Intelligence and ethics
I have written before that despite the obvious ethical issues posed by Artificial Intelligence in general - and particular issues for education - I am not convinced by the various ... -
The teleology of ed tech?
We do far too few book reviews on this site and I am afraid this isn't going to be one either. Instead we are plugging an eagerly awaited (and very ... -
More on Personal Learning Environments
Last week I said that we were running a track on Personal Learning Environments at the TEEM conference. ON wednesday I received an email from the co-convener of the track, ... -
Pontydysgu proudly joins Climate Cymru
Encouraged by the youth and communities we work with on projects such as CEYOU, and MLC, Pontydysgu recently added our voice to Climate Cymru, an important and worthwhile campaign to represent ... -
CEYOU Great Big Green Week for Pontypridd
This Autumn, world leaders will meet in Glasgow for COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference. This summit is a crunch point for tackling climate change, countries will need to agree ... -
Personal Learning Environments: looking back and looking forward
Its a long time since I wrote anything about Personal Learning Environments (PLEs). But after wading away in the last few years I think PLEs are due a comeback. Indeed, ... -
Summer hiatus
Its been a long hot summer. And I just looked at the blog and realised I haven't posted anything for two whole months. I think that's the longest break in ... -
eAssessment in Vocational Education and Training
Its summer and we should be on holiday. Yes, I am having a holiday this year. But before I go, we have the first meeting of a new project, eAssessment, ... -
More on ethics and AI
The discussion over the ethics of AI is hotting up. And Pew have produced yet another report around this issue. This commentary comes from Stephen Downes in his indispensable OL ... -
COVID-19 Vaccines: Global Coordination and Equitable Distribution
With the instigation of lock downs at the start of the Covid 19 pandemic, meetings for international projects moved online. In that period while everyone is joining, the conversation was ...