Reimagining assessment
There are encouraging moves to increase access to higher education for students with disabilities. Yet all too often these initiatives are piecemeal with a failure to join up different measures ... -
Skills, courses and qualifications
I've been thinking more about the Skillsmatch project in which Pontydysgu are a partner. We are trying to match up skills for educators in using technology for learning, based on ... -
AI - Humans must be in Command
The European Trade Union Confederation says its aim is "to ensure that the EU is not just a single market for goods and services, but is also a Social Europe, ... -
Logistical nightmare
One of the things we have found out on our Virtual Mobility for All project, which is looking at the benefits and barriers to virtual mobility for people with disabilities, ... -
Enabling Virtual Mobilities
As part of the EU Erasmus+ Virtual Mobilities for All project we have submitted a paper proposal to the European conference for Educational Research (ECER) being held in Yerevan later ... -
Aligning learning outcomes with assessment
I stumbled on this site while looking for something completely different (which I still can't find). But stumbles are one of my favorite things about web searching. Any way, this ... -
Why so much high stakes assessment?
I have been doing quite a bit of reading this week as part of our eassessment European project. I will write some of this up over the weekend. But first ... -
AI and VET: MOOC update
I have spent a little time this morning looking at who participated in the MOOC we ran November and December last year on Artifical Intelligence and Vocational Education and Training. ... -
European Education Area web site launched
The European commission has launched a new web site, the European Education Area. Although there has been a policy initiative to develop the Education Area for some time, this is ...