Arts, Humanities and Social Science graduates are in demand
As reported in FE News, a new report based on analysis by London Economic, ‘Qualified for the Future: Quantifying demand for arts, humanities and social ... -
Graduate Jobs
As reported by WONKHE, a survey of 1,200 final year students conducted by Prospects in the UK found that 29 per cent have lost their ... -
Digital innovations webinar
Pontydysgu has recently been working with Deirdre Hughes from DH Associates in developing a serie sof Webinars around the use of technology, including AI, in ... -
The Futures of Education
Last year I evaluated the ICT in education projects and programmes for UNESCO. In particular I looked at UNESCOs work in sub Saharan Africa. In ... -
Post-Covid ed-tech strategy
The UK Ufi VocTech Trust are supporting the Association of Colleges to ensure colleges are supported to collectively overcome challenges to delivering online provision at ... -
Urban economies and the Covid 19 crisis
3888952 (CC0), Pixabay Been a while since I last posted here. It i s not that I have been inactive - far from it. It ... -
Case study. The Ada chatbot: personalised, AI-driven assistant for each student.
As part of the AI and vocational education and training project funded through the EU Erasmus plus project we are producing a series of case ... -
Discussion: Learning and Training anywhere
The International Labour Organization (ILO) have launched a E-Discussion on Continuing online learning and skills development in times of the COVID-19 crisis. The discussion started ... -
Careers identities in the Lockdown
Graham Attwell will be speaking at an online webinar - LiveCareerChat@Lockdown on 6 April. The webinar, organised by DMH Associates will focus on the future ... -
We are working from home
Pontydysgu staff are working from home during the Convid 19 crisis. In actuality we have been working from home for many years, initially using skype ...