The 7Ws of Media and Information Literacy

The Media in Action project has published its resource bank of hand-picked, tried and tested tools, literature, how-to guides, articles, videos and inspiration. The resources are split into our 7Ws;

What - with resources on historical context, the definition and concepts of convergence literacies, pedagogy, and the era of prosumerism.

Why - on media citizenship, democracy, content curation, disinformation, misinformation and bias.

What For - On understanding, interpretation and evaluation of media messages alongside creating content and using it responsibly.

With What - Tools for creating content and telling stories in an educational setting.

Now What - Convergence literacy and storytelling theory, digitally supported strategies and digital identities.

Who - Teachers, Families, Government and NGOs

How - How to guides and tools for digital content creation and problem-solving.

If you have examples of activities, digital stories or resources you have used or created and are willing to share with the wider media literacy community, you are welcome to create an account on our MIA platform or send them to us directly in the comment box below.

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