Youth Manifesto for Nature

With the help of young people of Pontpridd and the NATURponty youth forum, the two Pontypridd artists Catrin Doyle and Anne-Mie Melis have written this nature manifesto.

Gyda help pobl ifanc Pontypridd a’r Fforwm Ieunctid NATURponty roedd y dau artist Catrin Doyle ac Anne-Mie Melis wedi datblygu y maniffesto natur yma.

The first publication of Mae Pontypridd yn Nature Reserve is in Wenglish– a mixture of Welsh and English. This has come about because we live in a bilingual country. Some can only understand a few Welsh words from road signs and other people can write poetry in welsh.

Gan fod sawl un o’r pobl ifanc ar y Fforwm Ieunectid yn defnyddio ieithoedd Cymraeg a Saesneg ar lafar, penderfynom ni ar y teitl: ‘Mae Pontypridd yn Nature Reserve’, gan chwarae gyda cymysgu’r ieithoedd yn lle’r ffordd fwy ffurfiol o gadw’r Cymraeg a’r Saesneg ar wahân wrth ysgrifennu.

Catrin and Anne-Mie hope it is another way to build bridges between the Welsh language, nature and our home.  Roedd Anne-Mie a Catrin eisiau plethu’r ddwy iaith gyda’i gilydd er mwyn adeiladu pontydd rhwng y Gymraeg, natur a’n cartref. 

We hope people reading Mae Pontypridd yn Nature Reserve can pick up a few new Welsh words, and Welsh speakers who may stumble across it in the community may chuckle at one or two of the jokes. It’s a chance for everyone to feel BALCH / proud to be Welsh- what a wonderful country with such an unusual language!

Catrin hopes this is a creative way to look at improving access and inclusion to the Welsh language by engaging all people in Wales, whatever their connection or level of ability. In the future we would love to have it translated into all of the languages spoken in RCT, as well as audio and interactive versions for people who are Deaf, blind and neurodiverse.


Amgylchedd- environment

Ar lafar- spoken 

Cyfrifoldeb- responsibility

Cyhoeddi- publish

Cynaliadwyedd- sustainability

Dwyieithog- bilingual

Mynediad – access 

Perthyn- belong

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