Labour market information (LMI) for all Project

LMI-web-images_labourmarketdataThe idea underpinning LMI for All is to provide a comprehensive careers labour market information1 (LMI) database that links and opens up career-focused LMI. Its aim has been to optimise access to, and use of, core national data sources that can be used by developers to create websites and applications2 to support individuals make better decisions about learning and work. It has been created as an open data project, which supports the wider government agenda to encourage use and re-use of government data sets. LMI for All was funded by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) up to 2017 and is currently funded by the Department for Education (2018-2020).

The LMIforAll website is here:

The development of LMI for All service spanned a five-year period (2012-2017).During this time, the feasibility of developing a comprehensive career LMI data tool that exploits open data sources that can be mainstreamed into service provision has been demonstrated. The overall aims of the project have remained constant:

  • To identify and investigate which robust sources of LMI can be used to inform the decisions people make about learning and work; and,
  • To bring these sources together in an automated, single, accessible location (referred to as the LMI for All database), so that they can be used by developers to create websites and applications for career guidance purposes.