Learning Toolbox going strong to the year 2020
Yesterday I had a lengthy catch-up talk (via Skype) with my Barcelona-based friend Gilbert Peffer. As regular readers of this blog know, we had worked together intensively in the EU-funded Learning Layers (LL) project and in the follow-up phase. For the success of the LL project it was crucial that ... -
Starting the new year with many changes and new challenges
Yes, the new year 2020 has started already some weeks ago - I hope you all have had a good start of the year. For me this year will be different from all of what I have experienced so far. I have returned to Bremen as has been the case ... -
Celebrating Klassiker-Blogger Wilfred Rubens - Reflections on knowledge sharing, networking and smart commentaries
Yesterday I got the message from my Dutch blogger-colleague Wilfred Rubens that he has a special working anniversary: He wrote his first blog exactly sixteen years ago (here the link to Wilfred's blog post announcing the anniversary). I immediately congratulated him on his Facebook account, where he had shared his ... -
Practical jokes with my blog - now back to the working mode
The readers of my blog may have been puzzled because of my two latest blog entries: "Why on earth has this author suddenly started to write in an unusual language?" Well, partly it was due to the fact that I was very exhausted when going to my holidays in Finland. ... -
Takaisin sorvin ääreen - Zurück zu' Drehbank
Jäädessäni lomalle kesäkuussa toivotin kaikille lukijoilleni hyvää juhannusta ja hyvää kesää - suomeksi. Olinhan lähdössä Suomeen viettämään kesälomaa kotimaassani. Tulipa mieleen ajatus kirjoittaa kesätervehdys omalla äidinkielelläni. No, nyt ne lomat on pidetty ja olen palannut töiden ääreen. Vanhan suomalaisen sanonnan mukaisesti olen palannut "takaisin sorvin ääreen". Tämä tässä vielä suomeksi, ... -
Hyvää juhannusta ja hyvää kesää!
Tulipa mieleen kerrankin kirjoittaa blogiini suomeksi - äidinkielelläni. Tällä viestillä haluan toivottaa kaikille juhannusta viettäville hyvää juhannusta - ja kaikille lukijoilleni hyvää kesää! Terveiset Suomen juhannuksen keskeltä! More blogs to come ... (and then in English) -
Getting back to normal business ...
The start of this year has been far from normal to me. At the end of January I had a complete computer crash. It took quite some time to get it repaired. I was working with a replacement computer (not with the same operating system, not with the same permissions ... -
Summer is (almost) over - catching up with the work and the blog
This year my summer break (from blogging) was longer than I expected. Partly this was due to the fact that we had to do a lot of administrative backstage work in May and June. As a consequence, my preparation for my own conference contributions was delayed. When coming back from ... -
Catching up with the blog - catching up with recent events and activities
Once again it has happened - the whole May month has passed by without a single blog entry. Sometimes these things just happen. This time there was a lot of travelling to events in other countries. And at the same time there was a lot of preparatory work for proposals ... -
Bye bye "Pontydysgu Studio" - good luck Pontydysgu Ltd & Pontydysgu SL!
Pontydysgu headquarters in Pontypridd, Wales and 'Pontydysgu Studio' as its filial in Bremen - that is how we have experienced it quite a long time. The name "Pontydysgu Studio" was used by Graham Attwell and Dirk Stieglitz when they worked with projects that had a radio program as its major ...