Online learning during the corona crisis - The contribution of the Learning Toolbox
In my latest blog I made the point that nowadays - due to the corona-crisis - the education and training providers have to start delivering ... -
Quiet period in education and training activities - What news on the project fronts?
Normally I am populating this blog with reports on field visits and project meetings or on emerging results. Right now we are in the middle ... -
Ponty's Young (Online) Activists
Last week CEYOU hosted the first online meeting for the Youth branch of Pontypridd Young Friends of the Earth. The group have been very active ... -
Quiet on the blog - What news from the health front?
During the last few weeks it has been exceptionally quiet on this blog. Partly it was to be expected, partly I was hit by the ... -
Case study. The Ada chatbot: personalised, AI-driven assistant for each student.
As part of the AI and vocational education and training project funded through the EU Erasmus plus project we are producing a series of case ... -
Discussion: Learning and Training anywhere
The International Labour Organization (ILO) have launched a E-Discussion on Continuing online learning and skills development in times of the COVID-19 crisis. The discussion started ... -
Careers identities in the Lockdown
Graham Attwell will be speaking at an online webinar - LiveCareerChat@Lockdown on 6 April. The webinar, organised by DMH Associates will focus on the future ... -
We are working from home
Pontydysgu staff are working from home during the Convid 19 crisis. In actuality we have been working from home for many years, initially using skype ... -
The future of work, Artificial Intelligence and automation: Innovation and the Dual Vocational Education and ...
I am speaking at a seminar on Vocational Education and Training’s Role in Business Innovation at the Ramon Areces Foundation in Madrid tomorrow. The ... -
AI and the future of Education
More as promised in my last post from the interviews we are doing on AI and Education. One implication of AI and automation is changes ...