Learning bites
Donald Clark, writing on Twitter today, said Social media choked with ads for online learning staff, especially in HE. Makes you wonder why it isn't ... -
Reimagining assessment
There are encouraging moves to increase access to higher education for students with disabilities. Yet all too often these initiatives are piecemeal with a failure ... -
Skills, courses and qualifications
I've been thinking more about the Skillsmatch project in which Pontydysgu are a partner. We are trying to match up skills for educators in using ... -
AI - Humans must be in Command
The European Trade Union Confederation says its aim is "to ensure that the EU is not just a single market for goods and services, but ... -
AI in VET the Podcast
Audio from our December webinars with Sophia Roppertz, Gorka Roman, Graham Attwell and me, Angela Karadog. AI in VET Expert Panel Intro to AI in ... -
Logistical nightmare
One of the things we have found out on our Virtual Mobility for All project, which is looking at the benefits and barriers to virtual ... -
In memory of Eoin Collins
Pontydysgu are sad to have learned of the death of Eoin Collins, a long time colleague of ours working for Nexus Research, Ireland. In a ... -
Enabling Virtual Mobilities
As part of the EU Erasmus+ Virtual Mobilities for All project we have submitted a paper proposal to the European conference for Educational Research (ECER) ... -
Aligning learning outcomes with assessment
I stumbled on this site while looking for something completely different (which I still can't find). But stumbles are one of my favorite things about ...