Why we need technology for training teachers
I have been doing some research on the training of teachers, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa. The figures make sober reading. A report 'Digital Learning: Reforming Teacher Education to Promote Access, ... -
Is a degree needed to do a graduate job?
Sometimes media use seems to go in circles. Over the last couple of years there has been a return to the old fashioned newsletter - even if sent the 'modern' ... -
Autonomy and the importance of teachers
The technology industry spends millions trying to disrupt education. And one of their fantasies is that machines can replace teachers. I don't think they can or should. On International Teachers ... -
Leaving home
I've had this graphic hanging around for quite a while, so it may be out of date. I think the point of it is that like much data the figures ... -
CONNECTed Learning
With Brexit looming like a big black cloud over us, Pontydysgu have established a second organisation based in Valencia in Spain. And we are happy to have started our first ... -
AI Brain Drain?
It is not often I read the Daily Telegraph. Not withstanding the politics, the paper only provides a short introduction for free with the rest of the content languishing behind ... -
What is an algorithm?
There was an excellent article by Andrew Smith in the Guardian newspaper last week. 'Franken-algorithms: the deadly consequences of unpredictable code', examines issues with our "our new algorithmic reality and ... -
Vocational Education and Training Research in the UK
Next week I am going to the European Conference on Education Research (ECER) taking place in Bolzano in Italy. I am talking in three sessions, one about changing identities in ... -
The development of Labour Market Information systems
Over the past few years, part of my work has been involved in the design and development of Labour Market Information Systems. But just as with any facet of using ... -
The definition of literacy is inherently political
Over the years, I've written a lot of posts on this blog on digital literacy or, better put, digital literacies. The one thing you can general say, is that whatever ...