The Personal Learning Environment Conference is back
Every year I get asked when we are going to organise the next Personal Learning Environments (PLE) conference. And in the rush to online teaching in the Covid 19, the ... -
Welcome to the new Pontydysgu web site
Around four or so years ago I sat down with my colleague Dirk Stieglitz to talk about the redesign of the Pontydysgu web site. Our original site on the pontydysgu.org ... -
Welsh government launches international learning programme to overcome loss of Erasmus plus
I reported last week on the UK government launch of the Turing programme which is designed to support mobility for students after the UK has pulled out of the EU ... -
Pontydysgu in Europe
I've had a few queries lately about whether Pontydysgu can still take part in European projects. With regard to Erasmus Plus I'm afraid the answer for Pontydysgu UK is no. ... -
This is what LinkedIn algorithm thinks about my 'accomplishments'
LinkedIn is the most boring but probably most useful social network I belong to. I can' say though I am very interested in spending a lot of time embellishing my ... -
People and Machines
One of the results of the rapid deployment of Artificial Intelligence is an increased focus on the relation between humans and machines. The Economist has published a podcast of an ... -
Using Labour Market Information for Career Development in the Changing World of Work
I was invited to make a presentation earlier this week to the European Union Horizon 2020 HECAT project exploring the use of algorithms within public employment systems. Waterford (Ireland) Institute ... -
Keynote presentations released as Open Educational Resources
Tony Bates has released a series of five 40-50 minute keynotes which an be downloaded without cost from the Commonwealth of Learning’s online institutional repository for learning resources and publications, ... -
LinkedIn says growing job demand for growth hackers!
There is increasing interest in what labour market information job advertisement portals can provide. OK, most sites will have various skews in terms of what kind of companies advertise on ... -
Artificial Intelligence degrees
The UK operates a central university admissions service, called UCAS. Today they have released their analysis of institutional and subject admissions for 2020. In an article in the online Higher ...