AI and Inequality
I appreciate this is very short notice but at 1800 CEST today, Joseph Stiglitz is talking with Anton Korienek about AI and Inequality. The event is organised by the Centre ... -
Apprenticeship for Artificial Intelligence Data Specialists
This may be of interest to some readers. One of the issues with AI and data science is that it is leading to pressure for change in vocational education and ... -
Organising free online events
We are all learning the best way to organise online events. And I like this reflection by by Julian McDougall in a report on the Media Education Summit (MES) which ... -
Future Minds and Machines
The UK based Nesta organisation has published a new report on Artificial Intelligence. "In The Future of Minds and Machines,"they say, "we introduce an emerging framework for thinking about how ... -
UNESCO on AI and education
UNESCO have recently published a document on AI and Education aimed as guidance for policy makers. This report discusses the promise of the benefits of AI, which are of course ... -
#SMILED21 Call for Tweeters
**UPDATE! Deadline extended to 3rd June** Fifteen minutes, fifteen Tweets. Pontydysgu are hosting a Twitter Conference - Social Media and Information Literacy in Education - on Thursday 17th June 2021 ... -
AI for Assessment a "High Risk"
Artificial Intelligence is increasingly being used for assessment in education. But from a tweet by Ben Williamson - @benpatriickwill - on Twitter: Use of AI for "assessing students" in educational ... -
Breaking through the Bias in AI
UNESCO say there is an urgent need for more women to participate in and lead the design, development, and deployment of AI systems. Evidence shows, they continue, that by 2022, ... -
Online Recruitment and the Digital Divide
There's an interesting article today in WONKHE, the UK online higher education newspaper. Clare Adams in an article entitled "Digital capital is a whole-system issue – building it takes more ... -
Crossing online Boundaries
Conferences play a large role in the work life of researchers. And, like everything else, the conferences ground to a halt with the Covid 19 pandemic, only yo quickly bounce ...