Crossing online Boundaries
Conferences play a large role in the work life of researchers. And, like everything else, the conferences ground to a halt with the Covid 19 pandemic, only yo quickly bounce ... -
People and Machines
One of the results of the rapid deployment of Artificial Intelligence is an increased focus on the relation between humans and machines. The Economist has published a podcast of an ... -
What is Machine Learning
I am copying this from Stephen Downes' ever informative OLDaily newsletter digest. It features an article entitled What is machine learning? – A beginner’s guide posted on the FutureLearn website. ... -
AI and Edge computing
A recent MIT Technology Review Insights reports on a survey of 301 business and technology leaders around their use and future planned us of Artificial Intelligence. The survey confirms that ... -
A focus on both discrete skills and broader human skills
There is an interesting article by Allison Dulin Salisbury in the Forbes magazine this morning. The article says that the Covid 19 pandemic is speeding the digital transformation of business, ... -
Stray thoughts on teaching and learning in the COVID 19 lockdowns
I must be one of the few ed tech bloggers who has not published anything on the move to online during the COVID 19 lockdowns. Not that I haven't thought ... -
Ethics in AI and Education
The news that IBM is pulling out of the facial recognition market and is calling for “a national dialogue” on the technology’s use in law enforcement has highlighted the ethical ... -
CareerChat Bot
Pontydysgu is very happy to be part of a consortium, led by DMH Associates, selected as a finalist for the CareerTech Challenge Prize! The project is called CareerChat and the ... -
The future of work, Artificial Intelligence and automation: Innovation and the Dual Vocational Education and ...
I am speaking at a seminar on Vocational Education and Training’s Role in Business Innovation at the Ramon Areces Foundation in Madrid tomorrow. The title of my presentation is ... -
Artificial, Intelligence, ethics and education
I guess we are going to be hearing a lot about AI in education in the next year. As regular readers will know, I am working on a European Commission ...