Celebrating Felix Rauner - Years and more! (Part Three)
During the first week of May this year Professor Felix Rauner celebrates his 80th birthday - and we celebrate with him: Congratulations and many happy returns! Given the corona-pandemic and ... -
MOOCs and Artificial Intelligence - Potentials for the Professional Development of VET Teachers and Trainers
It does not seem likely that we are going to participate in any face to face conferences in the near future. But conferences are continuing online and in some ways ... -
Workshop on Ai and Vocational Education as part of European Vocational Skills Week
This week is European Vocational Skills Week. And as a partner of the European Vocational Skills Week the Taccle AI project, is organising an online workshop on "Artificial Intelligence for ... -
Rwanda teachers on how to safely reopen schools
The issue of safe reopening of schools after lockdowns in the Covid 19 pandemic is contentious in many countries, including the UK. Equally there is a debate going on as ... -
Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Occupations and Skills
The Taccle AI project on Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Education and Training, has published a preprint version of a paper which has been submitted of publication to the VET network ... -
Taccle AI project - Interviews
As part of the Taccle AI project, around the impact of AI on vocational education and training in Europe, we have undertaken interviews with managers, teachers, trainers and developers in ... -
News from 1994
This is from a Tweet. In 1994 Stephen Heppell wrote in something called SCET" "Teachers are fundamental to this. They are professionals of considerable calibre. They are skilled at observing ... -
Learning about surveillance
I found this on the Social Media Collective website. The Social Media Collective is a network of social science and humanistic researchers, part of the Microsoft Research labs in New ... -
Artificial Intelligence for and in Vocational Education and Training
Artifical Intelligence for and in Vocational Education and Training: what do teachers and trainers need to know? from Graham Attwell Last week the Taccle AI project organised a workshop ... -
A focus on both discrete skills and broader human skills
There is an interesting article by Allison Dulin Salisbury in the Forbes magazine this morning. The article says that the Covid 19 pandemic is speeding the digital transformation of business, ...