More thoughts on Workplace Learning Analytics
I have been looking at the potential of Learning Analytics (LA) for professional development of employees in European Public Employment services as part of the European funded EmployID project. Despite ... -
More about competency based education
Just a quick addendum to my earlier article on competency based education. Things go round and much of my experience was from providing professional development to teachers and trainers for ... -
What's the problem with competency based education?
I got this diagram from a report by Katherine Hockey on the Accelerating Digital Transformation in Higher Education conference, I’ll write more about some of the topics Katherine raises, but ... -
The Challenges for Construction Sector Training in the UK
According to the Daily Telegraph, a new UK Government report into the skills crisis in the construction sector has recommended a new levy on house builders in a last ditch ... -
New book: Empowering Change in European Public Employment Services
Readers familiar with European Research projects will know how they work. The projects negotiate with the European Commission a DOW - Description of Work - which details the work to ... -
Skills shortages and skills gaps
The London School of Economics politics and policy blog is well worth following or anyone interested in Labour Market information and Intelligence. A recent article by Scott Hurrell looked at ... -
The future of learning at work. How technology is influencing working and learning in healthcare: ...
Over the last few weeks I seem to have been bombarded with calls for submissions for conferences. Most I have ignored on the grounds that they are just too expensive. ... -
What is the political and social habit(u)s of present day universities?
I like Cristina Costa's blog, "Is technology changing learning habit(u)s?" (and not only because she cited me). Cristina says how her study on students’ digital practices shows how students’ learning ... -
Thinking about Practice and Design
Sometimes writing reports for European projects can be a chore. Long, boring and nobody reads them. At the moment I am writing sections for the EmployID project second annual report. ...