Green Skills and Green Jobs
As part of European Vocational Skills Week on 17 May Pontydysgu participated in a webinar on "CAREER PATHWAYS AND GREEN ECONOMY The initiative is part of the Erasmus+ project Career ... -
MOOC - Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Education and Training
This Friday we launch our MOOC on Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Education and Training. Developed through the Erasmus+ Taccle AI project, the MOOC will be asynchronous and the platform available ... -
An ethical framework for Learning Technology
The Association for Learning Technologies in the UKÂ (ALT) has the strategic aim of strengthening recognition and representation for Learning Technology professionals from all sectors. one of the priorities Members ... -
Subscriptions to streaming learning provision
Soon after MOOCs had burst onto the scene, I was talking to a senior manager at a UK university. He was charged with leading their development of MOOCs. But despite ... -
Basic digital skills
Happy new year to you all and the first post of the year comes from the Marchmont Employment and Skills Observatory monthly mailing. A new survey has found that many ... -
Workshop on Ai and Vocational Education as part of European Vocational Skills Week
This week is European Vocational Skills Week. And as a partner of the European Vocational Skills Week the Taccle AI project, is organising an online workshop on "Artificial Intelligence for ... -
Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Occupations and Skills
The Taccle AI project on Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Education and Training, has published a preprint version of a paper which has been submitted of publication to the VET network ... -
Artificial Intelligence for and in Vocational Education and Training
Artifical Intelligence for and in Vocational Education and Training: what do teachers and trainers need to know? from Graham Attwell Last week the Taccle AI project organised a workshop ... -
AI cloud computing to support formative assessment in vocational education and training
I have written before abut the the great work being done around AI by Bolton College in the UK and particularly their ADA Chatbot. One of my main interests about ... -
How are HR professionals coping?
As I expected there the flurry of reports on technology and learning in the lockdown is beginning to appear. Fosway is a company operating in the corporate learning market. In ...