Loading… This survey is being undertaken as part of the research through the AI PIoneers project and aims to collect data for the development of a complement to the European ... -
UNESCO AI Competency Framework for Teachers
Last weeks UNESCO Digital Learning conference attracted attendees from over the world and significant press and social media interest. Much of the focus was on AI and education, especially around ... -
AI and Education webcasts from UNESCO's Digital Learning Week
In my last post I mentioned the UNESCO Digital Learning Week, taking place in Paris next week and amongst other things including a series of discussion about AI in education. ... -
AI skills and competences for teachers
UNESCO have long been active in AI in education, seeing it as a critical support for the United Nations Sustainability Goal SDG 4 for which they are the lead agent: ... -
A proposed AI Competency Framework for teachers
This is interesting. It is included in a LinkedIn post by Fengchun Miao, Chief of Unit for Technology and AI in Education at UNESCO. In his post he says he ... -
What data is there to support the use of AI in VET and Adult Education?
Of course researchers and practitioners in vocational education and training (VET) and in Adult Education are long used to their secondary status compared to School and Higher Education. And although ... -
Has your organisation a policy on AI?
Stumbled on this google doc this morning. It is an open document for people to share their institution's policy on AI. OK - so the organisations all appear to be ... -
AI and Contextualised Workplace learning
At Pontydysgu we've been messing with QR codes in education for quite a few years. Working on a youth project we developed Learning Trains with QR codes at different points ... -
One, two, many AIs
Probably because it was the first of its kind there is still a tendency to conflate chatbots bases on large Language Models with ChatGPT. But new natural language based models ...