The 23rd international conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education will take place between 27-31 July, 2022 at the University of Durham, UK and virtually. AIED2022 will be collocated with EDM2022. ... -
Empowering Learners for the Age of AI
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash Empowering Learners for the Age of AI is a free, international online conference, organised by part of a national team from Australia representing leading ... -
Data governance, management and infrastructure
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash The big ed-tech news this week is the merger of Anthology, an educational management company, with Blackboard who produce learning technology. But as Stephen ... -
Artificial Intelligence and ethics
I have written before that despite the obvious ethical issues posed by Artificial Intelligence in general - and particular issues for education - I am not convinced by the various ... -
The teleology of ed tech?
We do far too few book reviews on this site and I am afraid this isn't going to be one either. Instead we are plugging an eagerly awaited (and very ... -
More on ethics and AI
The discussion over the ethics of AI is hotting up. And Pew have produced yet another report around this issue. This commentary comes from Stephen Downes in his indispensable OL ... -
What do people think about Artificial Intelligence?
Pew surveys have released a new study on public attitudes about science-related issues. One of teh issues they examined were public attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence. They report: "Public sentiment ... -
The ideals and ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Along with Tim Berners Lee, Nigel Shadbolt is the founder of the UK Open Data Institute. In this podcast he talks about the ethics of AI. Mr Shadbolt says there ... -
An ethical framework for Learning Technology
The Association for Learning Technologies in the UK (ALT) has the strategic aim of strengthening recognition and representation for Learning Technology professionals from all sectors. one of the priorities Members ... -
AI and Inequality
I appreciate this is very short notice but at 1800 CEST today, Joseph Stiglitz is talking with Anton Korienek about AI and Inequality. The event is organised by the Centre ...