European Ethical Guideline for the use of AI in Education
The debate over AI and ethics continues. Yet, all too often it is very abstract and fails to connect with practice. Recently the EU has published a set of ethical ... -
AI Pioneers
AI Pioneers is a new Erasmus+ Large Scale project. Building on the successful Taccle AI project, AI pioneers is scheduled to start early in 2023. I'll be posting more details ... -
Thinking about glossaries
Over the years education and training has developed a vocabulary of its own. And I remember some years ago when I was doing a training the trainers course, we had ... -
Digital Humanism
I used to be critical at the failure / slowness of sociology to develop critical accounts of the impact of digitalisation and the rise of the internet, This seems to ... -
AI for marking and feedback
The UK National Centre for AI, hosted through Jisc has announced the third in a series of pilot activities for AI in education. The pilot project being undertaken in partnership ... -
Artificial Intelligence and Educational Inclusion
On May 6, Graham Attwell and Angela Karadog from Pontydysgu, together with our colleague George Bekiaridis from ACP in Athens, are taking part in a panel session at the CIISE ... -
Industry 4.0 and Vocational Education and Training
The Taccle AI and VET project has been working with the BBS 2 vocational school in Wolfsburg, Germany. The school has close links with industry, particularly Volkswagen who have a ... -
AI - Humans must be in Command
The European Trade Union Confederation says its aim is "to ensure that the EU is not just a single market for goods and services, but is also a Social Europe, ... -
AI in VET the Podcast
Audio from our December webinars with Sophia Roppertz, Gorka Roman, Graham Attwell and me, Angela Karadog. AI in VET Expert Panel Intro to AI in VET