What data is there to support the use of AI in VET and Adult Education?
Of course researchers and practitioners in vocational education and training (VET) and in Adult Education are long used to their secondary status compared to School and Higher Education. And although ... -
Has your organisation a policy on AI?
Stumbled on this google doc this morning. It is an open document for people to share their institution's policy on AI. OK - so the organisations all appear to be ... -
One, two, many AIs
Probably because it was the first of its kind there is still a tendency to conflate chatbots bases on large Language Models with ChatGPT. But new natural language based models ... -
Who promotes education technology as a precondition for education transformation?
UNESCO has published the 2023 edition of the The Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM) entitled "technology in education: a tool on whose terms?" The report is an independent annual publication. ... -
The Impact of AI on Jobs: Opportunities and Challenges Revealed by OECD Report
The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) has recently released a comprehensive report on the 2023 Employment Outlook, shedding light on the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on the ... -
Generative AI and the Future of Education
Early in July, UNESCO published a new paper, Generative AI and the Further of Education by the UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education @ Stefania Giannini highlighting the opportunities and challenges ... -
Getting Digital Assessment Right
There is growing activity around eAssessment, largely driven it appears by concerns over AI and in particular Generative AI and large Language Models. On Thursday 15 June THE is holding ... -
AI and Assessment
This podcast on AI and assessment was recorded for the Eramus+ eAssessment project. It forms part of an online course including four main sections: The course, hosted on the project ... -
Advancing theory in the age of artificial intelligence
The British Journal of Educational Technology (BEJET) has published a special section around Ai in education entitled 'Advancing theory in the age of artificial intelligence'. In the introduction of the ... -
AI pioneers presentation
Ludger Deitmer presented a paper by himself, George Bekiaridis and Graham Attwell - AI Pioneers: Developing a Community of Practice for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Vocational Education and Training - ...