Thinking about Entrepreneurship
For some time I have been interested in Entrepreneurship. For one thing I resented the way the Thatcher and Blair acolytes had stolen the word. ... -
BBC recipes and the battle for open
I found yesterdays protests about the BBC plans to archive their recipe site fascinating. After over 120000 people signed a petition protesting against the move ... -
Double Loop Learning and Learning Analytics
Another in this mini series on Learning Analytics. When looking at Work based learning, Double Loop Learning becomes particularly important. Double-loop learning is used when ... -
Lack of proxies a problem for Workplace Learning Analytics
I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about Learning Analytics lately and this is the first of four or five short posts on the ... -
Workplace Learning Analytics for Facilitation in European Public Employment Services
This week I have been at the pre-conference workshops for the Learning analytics conference in Edinburgh. This is my presentation at the workshop on ... -
The future of work and changing occupational identities
The debate over the future of work, long running in research circles but kicked into public consciousness amongst others a Oxford University study titled 'The ... -
Why are house prices spiralling?
We should all be able to afford a home in an area we want to live. But for many of us in the UK, with ... -
Online disinhibition and the ethics of researching groups on Facebook
There seems to be a whole spate of papers, blogs and reports published lately around MOOCs, Learning Analytics and the use of Labour Market Information. ... -
Exploring digital identities
Catherine Cronin says: "Although this is structured as a short presentation it’s intended to be a conversation starter, a prompt for deeper discussion. I’m ... -
More thoughts on labour markets
Predicting the future of labour markets is not easy at the best of times. And this is not the best of times. The problems include ...