AI Pioneers Project
The new AI Pioneers project is a Erasmus+ Large Scale new type of project. Building on the successful Taccle AI project, AI pioneers is scheduled ... -
eAssessment Project
Assessment is central to learner motivation as well as providing accreditation. The introduction of different assessment systems has a major impact on education and training ... -
IDC-VET Project
Technology is fundamentally changing how we teach and learn, making it more engaging but also challenging. Vocational Education and Training faces major challenges including new ... -
AI@School Project
The EU working group on AI in education working group distinguishes between 'Education for AI' and 'AI for education'. Education for AI is about equipping ... -
The Taccle AI project
The European project ‘Improving the Skills and Competences of VET teachers and trainers in the age of Artificial Intelligence/ brings together partners from five countries ... -
The CEYOU Project
In 2019 young people and students from Europe and all over the world took to the streets to demand action to halt environmental damage and ... -
About Taccle 5 VET
The project Taccle VET "Extend European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators for VET teachers and trainers" will promote innovative methods and pedagogies and ... -
The OurTown Project
The project "OurTown" is based on a game that can be played on a computer or mobile device using the cultural, physical and natural environment ... -
The Circular Economy CYCLE project
The idea of the Circular Economy is a response to the aspiration for sustainable growth in the context of the growing pressure of production and ... -
The Taccle 4 CPD Project
Taccle projects have been creating resources for educators and teacher trainers for more than 10 years and a previous Taccle project won awards from both the European ... -
Media In Action project
Media in Action is a project in educator training in media literacy and storytelling. The project aims to work directly with educators such as youth ... -
Labour market information (LMI) for all Project
The idea underpinning LMI for All is to provide a comprehensive careers labour market information1 (LMI) database that links and opens up career-focused LMI. Its ... -
The Learning Layers Project
Learning Layers – Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters Learning Layers is a large-scale research project co-funded by the European Commission’s 7th ... -
Tech Bubbles
The dot com bubble burst 25 years ago. On March 10, 2000, the Nasdaq Composite index peaked at 5,048.62, more than double its value from ... -
Student Generative AI Survey
The recently published2025 Student Generative AI Survey, conducted by the Higher Education Policy Institute in the UK and authored by Josh Freeman, reveals interesting trends ... -
Why does GenAI affect certain occupations more than others?
An article in the Financial Times by Carnegie Mellon University Professors Laurence Ales and Christophe Combemale says Generative AI is different from past automation and ... -
The danger of Lock Ins
One fear from researcher in educational technology and AI is lock in. It happened before. Companies compete in giving a good deal for applications and ... -
Seminar on Research Based Digital Transformation in VET with the JRC
At our recent AI Pioneers Network Seminar on Research Based Digital Transformation in VET, Cesar Herrero and Anastasia Economou from the Joint Research Centre of ... -
Democratising AI in Practice
I’ve been researching multimodal literacies and democratising AI in education this week. There are a growing number of Open Source alternatives out there which come ... -
Who uses Generative AI at work?
I picked up this from a blog by Doug Belshaw. It is from a report by Anthropic, the AI company behind Claude.ai. Doug points out ... -
Council of Europe roadmap for Responsible AI in Education
This week has seen extensive press coverage of the AI summit held in Paris with attendees from 60 countries. Despite the noise, not much seems ... -
Does generative AI lead to decreased critical thinking?
As I have noted before LinkedIn has emerged as the clearing house for exchanging research and commentary of AI in education. And in this forum, ... -
From the AI Pioneers Educators Toolkit: Conker
One of our network members in Australia sent us some great resources to add to the toolkit. I’ll be testing them out and sharing them ...