Workplace Learning Analytics for Facilitation in European Public Employment Services
This week I have been at the pre-conference workshops for the Learning analytics conference in Edinburgh. This is my presentation at the workshop on Workplace Learning Analytics. And below ... -
The future of work and changing occupational identities
The debate over the future of work, long running in research circles but kicked into public consciousness amongst others a Oxford University study titled 'The Future of Employment: How susceptible ... -
Online disinhibition and the ethics of researching groups on Facebook
There seems to be a whole spate of papers, blogs and reports published lately around MOOCs, Learning Analytics and the use of Labour Market Information. One possibly reason is that ... -
More thoughts on labour markets
Predicting the future of labour markets is not easy at the best of times. And this is not the best of times. The problems include the long lasting effects of ... -
The future of work - myths and policies
I like this blog post by Robert Peal entitled 'A Myth for Teachers: Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet'. The article looks at the origins of the idea that the top 10 ... -
Reflections on Communities of Practice
Chahira Nouira sent me an email asking if I could make a short podcast around Communities of Practice. " I am writing,” she said "because I thought you might have ... -
Mobile Learning - the Dream goes on
"What killed the mobile learning dream?" asks John Traxler in an article for Jisc's Digifest. John goes on to say: Mobile learning was e-learning's dream come true. It offered the ... -
The future of learning at work. How technology is influencing working and learning in healthcare: ...
Over the last few weeks I seem to have been bombarded with calls for submissions for conferences. Most I have ignored on the grounds that they are just too expensive. ... -
Workplace Learning Analytics for Facilitation in European Public Employment Services
Along with colleagues from the EmployID project, I've submitted a paper f to the workshop on Learning Analytics for Workplace and Professional Learning (LA for Work) at Learning Analytics and ... -
Confer - Three steps to consensus
I have written a number of post about the Learning Toolbox mobile app being developed through the Learning Layers project and of course Pekka Kamareinen has documented the development of ...