Why is there such a big gender difference in graduate employment
In our work on Labour Market Information Systems, we frequently talk about the differences between labour market information and labour market intelligence in terms of making sense and meanings from ... -
Jobs in cyber security
In a new fact sheet the Tech Partnership reveals that UK cyber workforce has grown by 160% in the five years to 2016. 58,000 people now work in cyber security, ... -
Productivity and vocational education and training
Interest in Vocational Education and Training (VET) seems to go in cycles. Its always around but some times it is much more to the forefront than others as a debate ... -
Jobs of the Future
There is a lot of speculation at the moment as to the jobs of the future. On the one hand, it is said that we are educating young people for ... -
Discourses of Love and Labour
Like very much this announcement in the Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) list server: Dr Ergin Bulut is an assistant professor at Koc University in Turkey. He will ... -
Making sense of data about education and jobs
High or low skills? Graduate job or not? For a number years now I have been working on projects developing the use of open data for careers counselling, advice and ... -
Thinking about Entrepreneurship
For some time I have been interested in Entrepreneurship. For one thing I resented the way the Thatcher and Blair acolytes had stolen the word. Working class people have also ... -
The future of work and changing occupational identities
The debate over the future of work, long running in research circles but kicked into public consciousness amongst others a Oxford University study titled 'The Future of Employment: How susceptible ... -
The future of work - myths and policies
I like this blog post by Robert Peal entitled 'A Myth for Teachers: Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet'. The article looks at the origins of the idea that the top 10 ...