Are women in construction confined to admin roles?
One of the overarching themes of the Green Circle project is addressing the gender bias in the construction industry and exploring whether micro-credentials might provide a way to lower some ... -
Transforming Complex Labour Market Insights Into Practical Educational Tools
The Career Pathways project team have written a book about the project. The Career Pathways book provides a comprehensive guide to transforming labour market insights into actionable educational tools. It ... -
Doughnuts for Construction
’To solve the climate crisis, we need to systematically change the way we live, design, and regenerate our systems and thereby society. To enable this change we must work ... -
Career Pathways and Navigating LMI Dashboards
There's a huge amount of information and some really cool visualisations of LMI available from CEDEFOP and Eurostat and we've been helping Vocational educators make some sense of it in ... -
Career Pathways Learning - What is LMI and why is it important?
As part of the Career Pathways project partners have produces a series of OERs for professional development of teachers, trainers and careers professionals. Learning objectives What is LMI? There are ... -
Youth Manifesto for Nature
With the help of young people of Pontpridd and the NATURponty youth forum, the two Pontypridd artists Catrin Doyle and Anne-Mie Melis have written this nature manifesto. Gyda help pobl ... -
Skills Intelligence and the challenge for skills and jobs
An extract from our upcoming Career Pathways book… Labour markets across Europe, and in the wider world have become increasingly unstable in recent years. In part this is due to ... -
Access to environmental action and neurodiversity
As part of the NATURponty project we have been looking at what it means for us as humans to be part of nature. The podcast series joins young people exploring ... -
Searching for the AI bridge builders
We need to democratise access to AI but the language we use to talk about it is a barrier. There is a lot of fear around AI advances and this ... -
New Skills and Competences required by teachers and trainers for the use and teaching of ...
My slides from #EODLW2023 about the AI Pioneers Survey results.