Definition of Open Source AI
There is growing interest in using and developing Open Source Software approaches to Generative AI for teaching and learning in education. And there are an explosion of models claiming to ... -
AI Governance
Open consultation on regulatory approaches for AI Following extensive expert consultations and discussions with parliamentarians, UNESCO have released a consultation paper in English for public consultation on AI governance.. UNESCO ... -
LLMs are a cultural technology
John Naughton writing in the Guardian says: Assessment in humanities in time of LLMs requires, "if not a change of heart, two changes of mindset. The first is an acceptance ... -
Edtech: Disruption or incremental change?
Technology evangelists and the big tech providers have long dreamed of disrupting education. That despite all the changes brought about by technology most education remains organised by institutions, many funded ... -
GenAI and Assessment
As a recent publication from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya points out, Artificial Intelligence remains an opportunity (or an excuse) to transform assessment, curriculum, teaching, personalization and teaching competencies. This ... -
Explainable AI
The European Digital Education Hub has put out a call for members for a working group (they call them "squads") on Explainable AI. They say: As AI systems become increasingly ... -
AI and Assessment
Maybe the panic over the impact of AI on assessment in education has died down a little, but it has been useful in that it has focused attention on the ... -
How are jobs sensitive to AI doing: an update
Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio and Gianni Anelli-Lopez from the University of Warwick Institute for Employment Research have posted an interesting blog on the LMi for All website. They have been using data ... -
The Digital Native Myth: A Story of Evolution
Remember when people started talking about "digital natives" back in 2001? It was a catchy term for kids growing up surrounded by tech and the internet. The specific terms "digital ... -
AI in Education is not new!
AI in education is hardly new. I have been working with AI in Vocational Education and Training and careers guidance for something like 8 years now but it has been ...