People and Machines
One of the results of the rapid deployment of Artificial Intelligence is an increased focus on the relation between humans and machines. The Economist has published a podcast of an ... -
Keynote presentations released as Open Educational Resources
Tony Bates has released a series of five 40-50 minute keynotes which an be downloaded without cost from the Commonwealth of Learning’s online institutional repository for learning resources and publications, ... -
Artificial Intelligence degrees
The UK operates a central university admissions service, called UCAS. Today they have released their analysis of institutional and subject admissions for 2020. In an article in the online Higher ... -
The Future of Work: an annotated bibliography
There is growing research and debate over how technology - particularly AI and automation - will result in changes to the world of work. LMIC (I think it stands for ... -
The impact of Al on the labour market
The debate goes on. Here is the latest discussion organised by the OECD. On February 1 from 1600 to 1700 CET. Go here to register. "What do we know about ... -
What is Machine Learning
I am copying this from Stephen Downes' ever informative OLDaily newsletter digest. It features an article entitled What is machine learning? – A beginner’s guide posted on the FutureLearn website. ... -
AI and Edge computing
A recent MIT Technology Review Insights reports on a survey of 301 business and technology leaders around their use and future planned us of Artificial Intelligence. The survey confirms that ... -
MOOCs and Artificial Intelligence - Potentials for the Professional Development of VET Teachers and Trainers
It does not seem likely that we are going to participate in any face to face conferences in the near future. But conferences are continuing online and in some ways ... -
Keeping up with the data
AI as I am sure you all know by now, is largely reliant on the black gold, data, and preferably lots of it. With the speed that things are developing ... -
Does only AI make a good university?
Plans for a dedicated AI university campus in Bremen are causing a controversy. The plan is backed by a consortium of German software giant SAP, Chinese IT firm Neusoft and ...