Working places as learning spaces: part four - the internet
Part four of the series on working places as learning spaces focuses on the internet. Giving this just one photo would not really work so ... -
Working places as Learning Spaces (part 3)
Here is part 3 of this part 5 series. These pictures was taken at the 2016 Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) conference in ... -
Learning Analytics for Workplace and Professional Learning
There is a small but growing community emerging in Europe around the potential and use of Learning analytics in the workplace. And there are still ... -
A Design for Learning
A design for learning? Learning experiences for the post-digital world from Peter Bryant "We learn through experience; the abstract can only take us so ... -
Working Places and Learning Spaces (Part 2)
Below is part two of my series on Working Places and Learning Spaces. Meanwhile Angela Rees, Steve Wheeler and Colin Milligan have both produced their ... -
Working and Learning Spaces
Here is the first of the series on working places as learning spaces, produced for the Institute of Education in London as a contribution to ... -
Working places as learning spaces
At the 2015 European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), I attended an interesting symposium led by Natasha Kersch and Karen Evans from the Institute of ... -
Unconferencing at AMEE
I am way behind writing things up at the moment - too much going on. Anyway two weeks ago I was with the Learning Layers ... -
Workplace Learning Analytics workshop
It is not easy developing a community around Workplace Learning Analytics but there are some signs of emerging interest. On 23 September 2016, in Leeds, ... -
Intersections or Contradictions?
Learning analytics: At the intersections between student support, privacy, agency and institutional survival from prinsp I like this presentation by Paul Prinsloo in that ...