Four domains of learning
I came upon this text today when I was seeking to extend on an article I was writing that included the idea of learning in ... -
Data and the future of universities
I've been doing quite a lot of thinking about how we use data in education. In the last few years two things have combined - ... -
Learning about Careers: Open data and Labour Market Intelligence
I've spent a lot of the last two months writing papers. I am not really sure why - other than people keep asking me to ... -
Open Educational Practices
Conceptualising OEP: A review of theoretical and empirical literature in Open Educational Practices from Catherine Cronin Good presentation at Open Education Global Conference, April ... -
A European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships
A European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships (2018/C 153/01) has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Recommendation aims at ... -
Issues in developing apprenticeship programmes: UK and Spain
After years of running down apprenticeship schemes through a policy focus on mass university education, the UK, in common with other European countries, has in ... -
Academic Archers: abstract for the 2019 conference
For years, Jenny Hughes and I have been promising ourselves to submit a paper for the Academic Archers Conference. And this year we have finally ... -
Coding for the young (and not so young)
It is encouraging to see more courses being developed for young people to learn to code. The latest comes from the Technical University of Graz ... -
Coming soon - Pontydysgu.eu
We are well under way redesigning the Pontydysgu website. It is not so easy. According to the archive the present site was launched in September, ... -
Learning Design
Grainne Conole talks about the promise and reality of using technology for learning. She asks "is technology changing learning and teaching? Social media, she ...