A Dysgu Decade

It's my 10 year workiversary this month. I started out at Pontydusgu in 2009 as a one day per week researcher on a Leonardo project, interviewing and writing training materials for employers on how to make necessary adjustments for staff with disabilities. Today I manage the projects and funding applications for the UK branch of the company. If you had asked me 10 years ago I certainly would not have predicted that. We are a leaner operation these days but good things come in small packages!

I have always struggled to describe my job to others; some days researcher, some days trainer, some days report writer, some days tinker-er, resource creator, lesson plan inventor,  course designer, website editor, blogger, social media campaigner, ideas creator, interviewer, school gardener, treasure-hunt layer, graphics designer, handbook writer, video editor, events planner, project manager, app tester, intern mentor, meeting chair, funding bid coordinator, advisory board member, panel speaker, proofreader, and computer fairy.  I guess that's the beauty of working for an SME, you get to do a bit of everything.

It has been an amazing 10 years, I have been to wonderful places and met some wonderful people along the way. I have been stranded at midnight in unfamiliar cities. Delivered a workshop with my baby strapped to my chest. Worked through days and nights to meet deadlines. Attended meetings in my pyjamas. Attended meetings and felt underdressed despite wearing my best smart suit. Working remotely means my office has been my home, but also friend's homes, an attic room in France, a Butlins chalet and countless departure lounges and hotel rooms.

I have no idea what the next 10 years will hold.  Brexit, whatever that means, will certainly have a huge impact, but if it's anything like the last 10 it will be an awesome adventure!  Thanks to everyone who has been a part of it so far x

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