LLMs are a cultural technology
John Naughton writing in the Guardian says: Assessment in humanities in time of LLMs requires, "if not a change of heart, two changes of mindset. ... -
Edtech: Disruption or incremental change?
Technology evangelists and the big tech providers have long dreamed of disrupting education. That despite all the changes brought about by technology most education remains ... -
GenAI and Assessment
As a recent publication from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya points out, Artificial Intelligence remains an opportunity (or an excuse) to transform assessment, curriculum, teaching, ... -
Doughnuts for Construction
’To solve the climate crisis, we need to systematically change the way we live, design, and regenerate our systems and thereby society. To enable ... -
Explainable AI
The European Digital Education Hub has put out a call for members for a working group (they call them "squads") on Explainable AI. They say: ... -
AI and Assessment
Maybe the panic over the impact of AI on assessment in education has died down a little, but it has been useful in that it ... -
Career Pathways and Navigating LMI Dashboards
There's a huge amount of information and some really cool visualisations of LMI available from CEDEFOP and Eurostat and we've been helping Vocational educators make ... -
Back to the Future: Machine Learning?
With all the daily hype it is probable that many people think that Generative AI is the only AI in town. And as Helen Beetham ... -
How are jobs sensitive to AI doing: an update
Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio and Gianni Anelli-Lopez from the University of Warwick Institute for Employment Research have posted an interesting blog on the LMi for All website. ... -
The Digital Native Myth: A Story of Evolution
Remember when people started talking about "digital natives" back in 2001? It was a catchy term for kids growing up surrounded by tech and the ...