How to be a trusted voice online
UNESCO have launched an online course in response to a survey of digital content creators, 73 per cent of whom requested training. According to UNESCO the course aims to empower ... -
What is the purpose of Vocational Education and Training?
Is Artificial Intelligence challenging us to rethink the purpose of Vocational Education and Training? Perhaps that is going too far, but there are signs of questions being asked. For the ... -
AI: education and learning are not the same thing
As the debate rolls on about the use of AI in education,we seem stuck on previous paradigms abut how technology can be used to support the existing education system rather ... -
Is AI just another tool, or does it redefine the essence of competence itself?
This is the second of our interviews with experts on AI in education for the AI Pioneers project. Thr interview is with Ilkka Tuomi. Ilkka Tuomi is the Founder and ... -
AI Competency Framework for Teachers
UNESCO are very active in the debates over AI in education, in part driven by their responsibility for the UN Sustainability goals on education, which in a recent report were ... -
UNESCO AI Competency Framework for Teachers
Last weeks UNESCO Digital Learning conference attracted attendees from over the world and significant press and social media interest. Much of the focus was on AI and education, especially around ... -
Learning Nuggets for supporting teachers and trainers
I have been working with projects for initial and continuing education for teachers, trainers and youth workers in the use of technology for teaching and learning for more years than ... -
GreenComp The European sustainability competence framework
The European Union has published GreenComp: The European Sustainability Competence Framework. The development of the competence framework is one of the policy actions set out in the European Green Deal ... -
Media Literacy in a Crisis
The Infodemics team met this week in Malmo to work together on writing competence statements for digital skills in health and wellbeing media literacy. The project plans a self assessment ... -
Training and skills for the Green Transition
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) has published a Briefing Note on the Green Transition. Vocational Education and Training, they say, can provide the skills needed ...