The Hype and the Reality
Its probably fair to say that the hype around Generative AI far outstrips the reality. Perhaps that is because in the slow process of discovering actual jobs which AI can ... -
Transforming Complex Labour Market Insights Into Practical Educational Tools
The Career Pathways project team have written a book about the project. The Career Pathways book provides a comprehensive guide to transforming labour market insights into actionable educational tools. It ... -
Career Pathways and Navigating LMI Dashboards
There's a huge amount of information and some really cool visualisations of LMI available from CEDEFOP and Eurostat and we've been helping Vocational educators make some sense of it in ... -
Generative AI, Assessment and the Future of Jobs and Careers
Ten days ago, I was invited to make an online presentation as part of a series on AI for teachers and researchers in Kazakhstan. I talked with the organisers and ... -
What are Green Jobs and Green Skills?
It is encouraging to see a rise in initiatives and projects around Green Jobs and a seemingly considerable interest in jobs seekers and young people seeking employment in Green Jobs. ... -
Green pathways and green skills
TecMinho and the "Career Pathways" Erasmus+ project will be hosting the Webinar "CAREER PATHWAYS AND GREEN SKILLS", to be held on the 26th of May, from 11:00 to 12:00 CET ... -
Chatbots in education: a (short) literature review
As part of the EU Erasmus+ Careerbot project we have undertaken a short literature review of chatbots and education. The literature review was intended primarily as a means of the ... -
Career Pathways
We are getting very good at doing skills analyses and identifying skills needed for progression in jobs and for new skill requirement due, for example to changing technologies. We have ... -
Working together online
There is a lot of research and discussion online about what we have learned about what used to be called Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education and schools, prompted understandably ... -
Chatbot workshop at Online educa
I think its fair to say that many of us have missed face to face meetings over the last year and a half. Yes, we have discovered that a lot ...