Project Website:
Partners: Pontydysgu (Coordinators), University of Bremen, University of Utrecht, Pantelon University, Athen, Academus, Navreme
Start date: November 2006
End date: October 2008
Funded by the European Commission Leoanardo da Vinci programme
The concept of Lifelong Learning has led to ever wider contexts and processes of learning including the increasing focus placed on non-formal learning, work based learning and e-learning. This leads to a diffusion of the training process, with increased numbers of people taking some role in training and increasing roles and responsibilities for the professional trainers. The overall aim of the project is to examine the issues involved in the training and professionalisation of trainers in the EU through several key actions:
- examination the context in which training takes place in enterprises through 18 case studies
- examination present policies and provision for the training of trainers and consider effectiveness
- development of a framework for the continuing professional development of trainers
- examination of different measures and mechanism for implementing the professional development framework
The outcome of the project will be:
- Development of a series of portraits of training roles and professional development pathways
- Propose policies and measures for implementing the Framework for Professional Development
- Explore linkages between the Framework for Professional development and the European Qualification Framework
TTplus will use the innovative methods use cases and e-portfolio.
TTplus will use the innovative method of use cases to illustrate the context in which training takes place. Main focus lies on the role that trainers / tutors / mentors play in enterprises.
Use cases is a methodology developed in the ICT industry. It allows a graphic representation of the different roles individuals play in their work practice and of the different possible interactions which take place.